In 2019, our team at A Color Story partnered with Zoe Sugg to create Template, a design app with layouts for both photos & videos. Over the course of 3 years, I have directed and designed over 850+ templates.

In May 2021, we launched a massive 2.0 update. I led the product design for several improvements: UI/UX for new menu system, simplified subscription screens, and business features requested by our community. Collaborating with marketing, I created assets that carried the consistency of the update across App Store, web, email, and social promotion.

With 1.2 million iOS installs, Template consistently ranks within the top 200 apps in the App Store’s Graphics & Design category.

Template App

Jared Statler
Rachel Statler
Ana Elliott

Dec 19—Present

Creative Direction
Brand Design
UI/UX Design
Interaction Design
Motion Design
Product Strategy


